
下乡已经过了半个月了,但是脑海中还是会常常浮现大家在一起的快乐日子,这种感觉真的是无价之宝,任何回忆都无法取代这种感觉。当自己看回这些照片时,自 己还会傻傻的对着电脑发笑,脑海中还在不停的回忆起所有的片段。
还记得一开始时,大家都互相不认识,第一次的GM只有一半的人出席,加上自己办的 不好,心中有点小小的难过,当时为自己下个一个很大的目标就是要打第五届做得最好,让我们的感情越变越好!
谢谢下乡团的执委们和第四届的几位团员 们替我们弄了个这么棒的Bonding camp,让我们的感情瞬间跃升了一大步,大家都互相扶持互相照顾自己的组员,尤其是看见大家手牵手过着所有的障碍时,心中超感动的。那时是我第一次见到 所有的团员也是第一次和所有人交谈,虽然还不熟但是大家总是能天南地北的聊个不停。
其实啊,我真的很享受每次与大家在一起的开会时间,不论是与团 康组执委会议还是全体会议,尽管我们常常面对一大堆的问题,但是见到大家一起玩一起笑,这种感觉真的很好。还有每个月的庆生,一开始总是会想一些特别的方 式帮大家庆祝,让每个月的寿星留下一个美好的回忆。还有专属我们的bonding day,大家一起在海边玩,一起被太阳烤成烧猪,一起BBQ,一起寻宝...一直到下乡前大家一起做材料,每天都做到九点十点多才离开学校,虽然很疲惫但 是我们的感情却因此而增加了许多,当我们看见自己的成果时所有的疲累都已经换成了满满的成就感,这一切一切都是无法取代的回忆~
下乡期间大家也越 来越熟悉彼此,我们合作的默契及团结精神发挥得淋漓尽致,而且把每一天的活动都越办越好。尤其是我们的手语,已经变成了团员们之间的默契指标,大家一切一 切都配合的很好很好。依然记得在闭幕典礼上,所有团员在我面前跳起《青春纪念册》这只手语时,心里好难过,难过自己不能和他们一起跳,难过大家的感情竟然 在最要好的那一刻却面对分离。
这一路走来能算得上是风风雨雨吧,从找一个合适的新村,活动计划书,人事安排,business dept考试期,宣传期等等等等的问题,让我们才更懂得珍惜,这样的回忆才是最珍贵的!来到三巴央真的是一种难得可贵的缘分,不仅仅让我们有了新家庭,得 到了义父母的疼爱,拥有可爱的义弟妹们,和佛教会青年团结交了新的友情;我们和他们一起成长一起学习,得到了认识了很多很多不同的事物,让我们学会了珍惜 身边的一切!我真的很庆幸自己是下乡人,才能拥有如此美好和难以磨灭的回忆!!第五届下乡团团员们你们真的很棒,你们是我最引以为傲的好朋友!!

by Chea Kin Fong

~~Join Us!!!!~~

My photo

-To spread the awareness and importances of education to the community around us
-to educate the children in rural community with the hope of stimulating a higher standard of education.
-to contribute for our beloved community by upsurging the community's standard of living.

-到围绕在我们四周的社区, 唤醒及散播教育的重要性。





















Monday, June 22, 2009

Training from MCA

Hello, members,
I am here to inform all of you that there will be a training from MCA, Mr. Chong Yeen Foo (Langkawi Project Northern Zone Head Coordinator) on the coming Saturday.
This training is for all members who are going to village. So for those who are not able to attend this training, without any appropriate reason, base on the rules of COS, they will not allow to go any villages. Please take it seriously. Thanks.

The details of training:
Date: 27th June 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00a.m.-6p.m. (Because this is an important training from MCA, the time is longer)
Venue: Help Main Block, LH 7

Members, do let your group leaders know whether you will attend the training and why.

Group leaders, need your help:
  1. Please inform your group member about the training, and reply my mail and list down who are not able to attend and why.
  2. Please send me the name who have quit or not able to join COS.
  3. Please ask your group member whether they have receive my mail, if not, please ask them to write down their e-mail, and send it to me.
Thanks, leaders.

Kin Mei

Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Welcoming Night

Dear members,

Please be notice that our respective club " Community Outreach Society " and "Taiwan Buddhist Tzu-Chi Foundation Malaysia" were currently organizing a
Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Welcoming Night at HELP Residence Hall ( level 1) on this coming Thursday. With the theme of "Blossoming The Young Love" , this event was objectively assigned to promote a compassionate and a sense of gratitute toward our community. A little bit disclosure of the night programmes are include a brief introduction of Tzu Chi foundation, real-life video sharing, group sharing and lots more waiting to be known. Details:

Venue :
HELP Resident Hall , Lvl 1
Date :
25 June 2009 (Thursday)
Time :
7pm to 9pm

As some should had known about the prominent organization of Tzu Chi, they have been actively involved in numerous charity activities ranged from recycling campaign to all types of charity services.Even Tzu Chi Volunteers have left their footprints in many far away lands, risking their lives in epidemics and wars. Some of the remarkable events was supplying an international relief efforts in typhoon-stricken Bangladesh, Acheh (Tsunami), New Orlean (Katrina) and lots more.

In facts, its a very rare opportunities and i would recommend that every members of community outreach society to participate in it. And the good thing is, it was all FREE. Free entrance, Refreshment prepared and some door gift were to be given out. Those who are interested can you please sent in 1) your name 2) Contact 3) Email 4) language prefer Eng or Chi. (For preparing the refreshment)

For more information, you could call directly through me (during off office hour) or contact the details in the attached poster.

PanG ^-^ (0179551114)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

慈济社区环保日Tzu Chi Community Recycling Day 21/6/09

Dear HELP University College Students,

You can transform your love into action, and join Tzu Chi to love and care the Earth and promote the Great Love on our Community Recycling Day. You can also bring your family, relatives, neighbours and friends to join us. You all are most welcome.

Activity: Tzu Chi Community Recycling Day

Date: 21/6/09 Sunday [8am-12pm]

Venue: Opposite TMC Supermarket(Bangsar)

Contact Person: Tan Jessie

Register Through: yuer_jc@hotmail.com

May you be blessed with all good deeds!

Best Regards,



環保不分年齡,欢迎您邀约家人、亲戚、邻居和朋友一起来加入我们的環保行列! 同时,又能把環保回收的資金用于推動慈善濟貧志業, 匯成一股愛的清流。


日期:21/6/09 星期日[8am-12pm]

地点: TMC Supermarket(Bangsar)的對面


報名方式: yuer_jc@hotmail.com

祝福大家 健康和顺,日日平安!

我们要做好社会的环保, 也要做好内心的环保. ~ 静思语~


Hello, all members,
We are so sorry that we keep postpone your training date.
But now, after we have discussed,
we decide to have general meeting and training from senior this Saturday (20/06/2009),
from 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m., venue will be confirm by tomorrow.
Please do read your proposal, print it out and bring it to general meeting.
During the general meeting, we would like to let all of you do a 20 minutes mock presentation per group. We will choose events to be mock in the general meeting. So, don't be lazy and read your proposal carefully.

In COS, mock presentation is one of our important training, it will help you to improve your weakness when you are in real scene.
Same as before, this general meeting is compulsory, please take it as a serious meeting.
if you are not able to attend this meeting, please let us know why.
Here are contact numbers of our presidents. if you have any questions, please contact them.
Ah Pang: 017-9551114
Ah Lian: 017-6098699

Maybe some of you did not receive our mail,
group members or group leader,
please make sure that all members will know this meeting.
Please reply whether you are able to attent the meeting after you read it.
Thanks & CHEERS!!!!!

Kin Mei

Sunday, June 14, 2009





宗旨:1. 深入探讨下乡服务的意义及使命
地点:霹雳州金宝大酒店(Grand Kampar Hotel)
2188,Jalan Timah,Bandar Baru Kampar,31900Kampar, Perak
Tel:05-4662111 Email:grandkamparhotel@gmail.com
报名费: 华仁教育基金会赞助
单位提供:膳食、住宿、T –shirt、证书
Tingkat 10,Wisma MCA ,163,Jalan Ampang,50450 Kuala Lumpur
手机号码:张明德 012-6020901
王堂生 017-3793730

-本简章若有未尽善处 主办单位有权增删之-

有兴趣的话,请在 2/7/2009前
第一届:Ah po 016 3247038
第二届:彩莲 017 6098699
第三届:裕萍 012 4732619
